Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some pre-India updates!

hello! Some updates:

1. I got the news that I will be in Vellore, India instead of Bangalore. The family that runs the orphanage in Bangalore got an opportunity to come to America to do support raising and they will most likely be in the states for the time that i will be in India. So, i will be doing the same work just at a different orphanage. Also, they speak Tamil there, and luckily my wonderful friend Monicca speaks that langauge. Therefore, she has now assumed the role of my language coach! (Thanks, Moniccers!) So far i haven't quite learned how to correctly pronounce the word Tamil..but I'll get there! :)

2. So far, i've raised $1,055. Only $1945 to go! Please join me in praying that all the funds will come through. Also, please pray that God will also provide for me so that I will be able pay my loans while I'm there...Especially since they just cut my hours at work for the next 3 weeks whie I'm in Maine. Oh, how i hate money!

However, I am confident in God's calling me to India for this amount of time and at this specific time. So, i can be confident that He will provide everything that I need to get there. If it seems at any point that i have forgotten this, you have the permission to remind me of this. :)

Right now in Vellore, it is 3:08 am and 81 degrees...If you're interested.

Thanks for reading! I promise the posts will be more exciting once i am in India.

1 comment:

  1. Really! That's so cool!
    Lesson 1: Thanni - Water
    You got to know that one and you must also know to say "bottled thanni" ;)
