Friday, September 25, 2009

AHhhhhhh India!!!!

Greetings from India!
I made it safely and i love it here so far! The flight over wasn't too bad. Mumbai was a little confusing but it all worked out. The drive from the airport to where we are staying was about 5 hours. People drive pretty crazy here. On the drive, we saw cows, wild dogs, goats, camels and MONKEYS! I was very excited to see monkeys... :)
So getting over the jet lag has been difficult. We got in at around 9:30 am on thursday. We didn't have much to do and we were so tired we couldn't stay up. so we napped for a little bit in the afternoon. And shortly after dinner (7:30pm ish) we went to bed. At 12:00 am we all woke up and were totally awake. but an hour or two later we fell back asleep and woke up for breakfast. Today we're determined to stay up until at least 8 pm.
today we took a tour of the hospital that we are staying near. My favorite part was the Rehab center for Leprosy patients where they teach them skills to make a living. This includes weaving, printmaking and other cool artsy stuff. :D!!!! I hope to volunteer there so I can learn how they do things.
So far the food has been very good. Not too spicy.
In other news, it's hot. and humid. 100 degrees F to be exact. It says it feels like 113 with the humidity. Luckily here there is a lot of shade and it circulates the air around pretty well..but yeah. still pretty hot if ya ask me!
Tomorrow we are going shopping and doing an orientation at the place we're vonlunteering at. I can't wait to see all those kids! :D
Well I think that's all I have to say for now. I can be contacted via email : or i have a cell phone here that i can recieve calls for no charge so it would require a calling card. Email or facebook me to get the number. :)


Thursday, September 3, 2009


So it just dawned on me that i will be living the life of a missionary for the next three months!